Short Term Accommodation (STA)
We have dedicated STA houses, offering participants and carer’s some respite. Our regular respite has a structured schedule of activities for participants to enjoy, depending on their interest. The STA will give participants an opportunity to participate in communal living and help to build structure and routine in their lives. Our respite houses have a billiards table (Pool), BBQs and other activities with our social group program such as bushwalking, fishing, gardening, movie nights and social lunches.

Our Services

Supported Independent Living

Short Term Accommodation
We have dedicated STA houses, offering participants and carer’s some respite. Our regular respite has a structured schedule of activities.

Medium Term Accommodation
Access Lifecare provides Medium Term Accommodation under NDIS funding if a participant is waiting for home modifications or assistive technology.

Social & Community Participation

Coordination of Support

Psychosocial Recovery Coaches
Our support coordination and recovery coach team have a person-centred, holistic approach and understand that every individual is unique.

In home support
Our in home support include assistance with all domestic tasks including cleaning ,managing clutters and hoardings.

Travel / Transport
Access Lifecare provide transport assistance for participants for social and community activities ,leisure programs.

High intensity Personal Care

Nursing Care

Day Program
Access Lifecare has established a social activity program designed for people with psycho-social disabilities. The weekly activities includes morning mingle.