High intensity Personal Care

Our Services

Supported Independent Living

Short Term Accommodation
We have dedicated STA houses, offering participants and carer’s some respite. Our regular respite has a structured schedule of activities.

Medium Term Accommodation
Access Lifecare provides Medium Term Accommodation under NDIS funding if a participant is waiting for home modifications or assistive technology.

Social & Community Participation

Coordination of Support

Psychosocial Recovery Coaches
Our support coordination and recovery coach team have a person-centred, holistic approach and understand that every individual is unique.

In home support
Our in home support include assistance with all domestic tasks including cleaning ,managing clutters and hoardings.

Travel / Transport
Access Lifecare provide transport assistance for participants for social and community activities ,leisure programs.

High intensity Personal Care

Nursing Care

Day Program
Access Lifecare has established a social activity program designed for people with psycho-social disabilities. The weekly activities includes morning mingle.