Our Services
Access Lifecare provide a wide range of services for people with any form of disability and their carers under the NDIS programs. The Programs and Services provided by Access Lifecare under NDIS are below.

NDIS – National Disability Insurance...
Access LifeCare is a registered NDIS provider aiming to provide quality service to people with psychosocial disability.

Allied Health Services
Why Choose Us

Allied health professionals
Our management team consist of experienced allied health professionals who are registered and accredited.

Person centered approach
Our services are individual tailored plans which brings positive outcome for people with disability.

Case management for participants
We provide case management for participants who are in our supported accommodation & in community care where we provide intensive outreach support.

Culturally sensitive Services
We provide culturally sensitive service and has the skill of embracing the values of people from different cultural back ground.

Tailored support and care plans
Individually tailored support and care plans.

24/7 on call support
We provide an on call support for all our participants in our care and provide emergency accommodation support.

Least Restrictive Practice
We aim to provide participant independence and recovery in a least restrictive way.
Contact Us
As a registered NDIS organization we support individuals with all disabilities and have specialized expertise in psycho-social and neuro-degenerative disabilities.
We provide services across ACT, Queensland and New South Wales.